
Personal Growth Articles

In-Motion Methodology

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In-Motion Methodology was the outcome of a search for a winning formula that allows us to shape ODT programs of a different kind: integrating extraordinary experience with deep human learning.

In-Motion Methodology is based on the following four principles:

1. Attachment to nature: nature contains the infinite and constitutes the space for creating life experiences
2. A white page: we approach any program as though it’s our first.
3. Partnership: shaping the program in partnership with the client based on the four stages.
4. Working with experts: we work with the best in water, air and earth.

Using In-Motion Methodology we work strictly with all the principles, keeping their overlapping points in motion during the program’s creation and implementation.
In this way, we are constantly attentive to the client’s needs and still able to create frameworks that allow internal work to settle into place.

Our four stages

The four stages assist us in laying down a stable infrastructure before, during and after the ODT program.


We work in close cooperation with companies which have chosen us to develop an ODT program for them.

We structure the appropriate experience for each individual client, suited to the group’s human fabric, in a way that supports the business challenges presented by the client.



We do this using the following four stages:

1. Identifying learning targets and goals

Understanding the system of interactions in the company, analyzing needs, understanding the challenges, defining goals and indices.

2. Shaping a suitable program simultaneous to ongoing communication

Format, time frame of actions, choosing staff, finessing the definitions company needs, communication with participants.

3. Implementing the program

Preparatory talk with the leadership team, implementation, real-time adaptations.

4. Follow-up and evaluation

Summary conversation with the leadership team, defining the next stages.

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